Texas Bar Association – ADR 2015


This afternoon Jeff Aresty, Don Philbin, Colin Rule, and I presented to the Texas Bar’s “Alternative Dispute Resolution 2015” conference.  Colin and Don demonstrated ODR platforms and I spoke briefly about the impact of technology on third party ethics.  Basically, I suggested that the platforms Don and Colin were demonstrating would become more prevalent in the future, but that at the moment technology of some kind is used by all or almost all lawyers and third parties.  My message was my usual one – any use of technology has an impact on the ethics of practice.  I concentrated on confidentiality and security (with a focus on record keeping), and third party competence – those are the issues that I think are most on the minds of practitioners, and the most critical in dealing with parties.  The presentation today was a short version of comments that I have made many times before, and which can be found in some of the publications on this site.