The IJODR is Now Available


Volume 1, Issue 1 of the new International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution is now out and available.  The first issue features articles by Ethan Katsh and Orna Rabinovich-Einy, Mireze Philippe, Marc Lauritsen, and me.  John Zeleznikow contributed a book review, and Colin Rule contributed a news roundup – both the book review and the news roundup will be regular features of the journal.  Mohamed Abdel Wahab wrote the introduction, on behalf of the other two co-Editors-in-Chief (Ethan Katsh and me).  Copies of the journal will be distributed at the ODR Forum in California later this month, and subscriptions, both hard copy and online, can be obtained by contacting the publisher, Eleven International Publishing, at  The journal will be published twice yearly – the next volume will be available in December, 2014.