

February 11ff|  Catolica U. Law School LLM.  Principles of ODR.


November 5-6|  ODR Expo Tech (Argentina).  Video Podcast on AI.

August 29|  Singapore Convention on Mediation Forum.  Universal Disclosure Protocol for Mediation.

August 28|  Kazakhstan Mediation Program.  The Evolving Landscape in ADR – New Technology.

August 26ff|  Southern Methodist University .  Directed Study – Integrating Technology into Dispute Resolution Practice.

July 25|  Think Tech Hawail Podcast.  “The Week in Politics.”

July 18|  Catolica U. Law School .  “Summer School in Mediation” – Online Dispute Resolution (ODR).

July 17|  Catolica U. Law School .  “Summer School in Mediation” – Unversal Disclosure Protocol for Mediation (UDPM).

June 5|  Online Dispute Resolution Forum – Prague.  “Why De Jure Controls Will Not Work With Artificial Intelligence.”

May 13-17|  Catolica U. Law School .  “Seminar in Dispute Resolution.”


November 30|  Think Tech Hawaii Podcast – Thinking positive about AI and ADR.

November 6-10|  CyberWeek 2023.

November 6|  National Academy of Arbitrators.  “Artificial Intelligence and Labor Management.”

October 18-19|  Mediation Institute. “Ethical Considerations: Navigating the Intersection of AI Technology and Human Values”

October 11-12|  Online Dispute Resolution Forum – Montreal.  “We Missed the Train – Who Gets Left Behind When Technology ‘Improves’ Access to Justice?”

September – December|  Online Dispute Resolution training for Australian mediators.

September 4|  Florida ACR.  “Emerging Technologies and How They Will Affect the ADR Field.”

August 12|  Mediation Skills – ODR and AI –  Lecture for Texas university class.

July 20|  Universal Disclosure Protocol for Mediation Lecture for ADR Summer Camp, Catolica University in Porto.

July 20|  Online Dispute Resolution Lecture for ADR Summer Camp, Catolica University in Porto.

July 7-27|  Online Dispute Resolution Class for Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

June 8|  Think Tech Hawaii Podcast – Discussion regarding the promise and threat of AI in mediation.

June 4|  Celebration Conference – Mediator’s Parliement – Presentation on ODR for an access to justice conference in India.

June|  Publication of Vol. 1, 2023, International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution.

April 19|  Making Friends with AI:  Why Mediators Should Welcome AI Platforms – with Caution, presentation for the Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Mediation Conference.

April|  International Arbitration Review article for Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution – “Must, Shoulds, and Cans of ODR Platforms”

March|  Publication of Vol. 2, 2022, International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution.

January forward|OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Training (Online)

January forward|AFIM – Association Francophone International de Mediation Training (Online)

January forward|International Journal for Online Dispute Resolution – Editor

January forward|Issues in ODR – Book Series Editor


December forward|OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Training (Online)

December forward|AFIM – Association Francophone International de Mediation Training (Online)

November 3|CyberWeek 2022 Labor Arbitration Panel (Online)

November 1|CyberWeek 2022 ODR Ethics Panel (Online)

October 31|CyberWeek 2022 Keynote (Online)

October 19 forward|ODR Foundations Training in French (Online)

September 7|Washington and Lee ODR presentation (Online)

September 2|Singapore Webinar on Singapor Convention and UDPM (Online)

August 24|Ukraine School Fund Raiser – Warsaw (Online)

July 21|International Negotiation and Mediation Summer School: Porto School of Law – Universidade Católica Portuguesa and ICFML (Online)

July| Southern Methodist University – International DR (Dallas)

June 30| ODR Africa – UDPM (Online)

June 1| ICODR/NCTDR Ethics Webinar (Online)

June 1| Unified Law Commission Meeting (Online)

June| Northern Virginia Mediation Service – ODR Basics (Fairfax)

May 3-5| ODR 2022 Forum – UDPM and ODR Standards  (Dublin)

April 28| ODR ExpoTech – “The 4 Axes” (Online)

April 4| International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution edition deadline

April| Oteemo – ADR Training

January Forward| Arbitration Technology Assistance (Online)

January| ODR Basics – Australia (Online)

January 6| ICODR – Uniform Disclosure Standards (Online)


November 29| European Cyberspace Conference – ODR Track Presentation (Online)

November 29| ODR Track 2021 (Prague) – Diclosure Protocol (Online)

November 5| American Bar Association Panel  – ODR (Online)

November 5| National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution – ODR Globally, Part 2 (Online)

November 4| National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution – ODR Globally, Part 1 (Online)

November 3| National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution – ODR Courts and Justice (Online)

November 2|National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution – ODR Ethics and Culture (Online)

November 1|National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution – ODR Impact on Practice (Online)

October 21| NVMS – ODR Class

October 13|National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution – ODR and Artificial Intelligence (Online)

October 14| Universidade do Minhoe (Portugal) – ODR Worldwide (Online)

October 5|  Deadline for submission to The International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution (editor)

October 4|National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution – ODR Ethics and Culture Discussion (Online)

September 22| National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolutoin – Book Launch Discussion (Online)

September 21 – October 3| Virginia Mediation Network Conference – ODR Presentation – What Mediation Trainers and Trainees Should Demand of ODR Training (Online)

August 24|  ABA International Section – ODR and Self Determination (Online)

June 3|  EMU Coaching Class Presentation – Coaching for Negotiation

June|  Publication of ODR Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition

May 7|  Online Mediation Training Forum – Standards, Ethics & New Technologies for Online Mediation & Online Mediation Training

April 29|  ODR Expo Tech – ODR Panel (Online)

April 15|  ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Conference – Working Group on ODR Standards Panel (Online)

April 5|  Deadline for submission to The International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution (editor)

March 19|  Texas Association of Mediators – ODR Panel (Online)

February 11 – April 29|  ODR Practice Certification (ICFML – Online)

January 22|  International, Comparative, Foreign & Domestic:  A Virtual Gathering of Friends – Presentation (Online)

January 4-8|  ODR Class (McGeorge Law School – Sacramento – Online)

January Forward|  ABA Working Group III – ODR for Private Practioners

January Forward|  ICODR Governance Committee and Board

January Forward|  VA Sup. Court A2J, Self-Represented Litigants Committee


November 28| CyberSpace 2020 Conference – Digital ID (Prague -Online)

November 16-18| IBO Summit – Digital Identity/Digital PenPal (Online)

November-January| ODR Practice Certification (ICFML – Online)

November-January| ODR Practice Certification (Australia – Online)

November 2| CyberWeek 2020 – Code of Disclosure for ODR  (Online)

October 21| CIAarb Panel Presentation (Online)

October 19| Virginia A2J Committee Meeting (Online)

October 13-16| Negotiating Online – Trade Reprentative (NVMS – Online)

October-Nobember| ODR Practice Certification (Instantmediations – Online)

October 2| Mediation 20/20 Conference Presentation ( Online)

September| ODR Certification (NVMS – Online)

September 16-19| Virginia Mediation Network Presentation (Online)

September 14-18| ABA Dispute Resolution Expo (Online)

September 3| 2020 Digital Innovation Festival (Melbourne – Online)

September-October| Arbitration/Mediation Co-Host (Online)

July| Round Table Discussions (Scheinman Institute – Online)

June – August|  ODR Practice Certification (ICFML – Online)

June| Webinar – Negotiating Online (Scheinman Institute – Online)

May-June|  ADR & ODR Certification Training – Kusamotu & Kusamotu Law Firm, Lagos, Nigeria (Online)

May|  Webinar – Negotiating Online (Scheinman Institute – Online)

May|  ODR Certification (NVMS – Online)

April|  World Bank Mediating Online (NVMS – Online)

March|  The ABC’s of Using Technology (IBO – Online)

January 2-4|  ODR Class (McGeorge Law School – Sacramento)

January – February|  ODR Class (Dominican University – Online)

January|  Practical Technology Tools (IBO – Online)

January, Forward|  ABA ODR Work Group 3 Chair


November|  “A Day With . . . ” & Master Class in ODR (Brazil)

October 29-30|  ODR International Forum (Williamsburg)

October 28| VA Supreme Court Access to Justice Commission, Self-Represented Litigants Committee (Williamsburg)

October 10-11| Online Dispute Resolution Conference (Nashville)

September 24| Labor-Management Conflict Resolution  (guest lecture at CUA)

September-December| Communicating and Mediating Online (web-based class in English and Portuguese)

August 6| Singapore Convention – International Mediation Standards (with Ana Goncalves)

July 26| IBO Webinar – Justice Layer of the Internet

June 28| IBO Webinar – Creating Standards for ODR

June 3-7| Private Contract Negotiations

May|  Online Dispute Resolution Class (SMU – Dallas)

April 29-May 2|  World Justice Forum (The Hague)

April 16|  VA Supreme Court Access to Justice Commission, Self-Represented Litigants Committee (Richmond)

March|  NCSC Conference (Denver)

March 8|  AU Artificial Intelligence Conference (American University)

January-March|  Dominican University ODR Class (Online)

January 29|  VA Supreme Court Access to Justice Commission, Self-Represented Litigants Committee (Williamsburg)

January 2-6|  Online Dispute Resolution (Sacramento) –Professor in a law school class for the McGeorge Law School, University of the Pacific.


November 30-December 2 and December 7-9|  International Dispute Resolution (Dallas) – Professor in a graduate class for the Dispute Resolution program at Southern Methodist University.

November 14-15|  International ODR Forum (Auckland, New Zealand) – Panel Moderator on ODR Standards.

November 8|  Congress CBMA rio de Janerio (Rio de Janerio, Brazil) – Closing Keynote:  ODR and Ethics

November 7|  ODR Master Class (Sao Paulo, Brazil) – Master Class with Julia Morelli

November 6|  A Day With Daniel Rainey (Sao Paulo, Brazil) – Featured speaker on Online Dispute Resolution

November 5|  Self-Represented Litigants Committee Meeting (Richmond)

October 17|  ABA Mediation Week Human Library (DC) – Human Library Participant.

October 9|  DC Legal Hackers (DC) – Open Discussion on ODR.

October 4|  Association for Conflict Resolution Annual Conference (Pittsburgh) – Panel Discussion:  ODR Ethics.

October 3-6|  Association for Conflict Resolution Annual Conference (Pittsburgh) – Presentation of commentaries related to the ACR/AAA/ABA Model Rules for Mediators.

September 11|  Self-Represented Litigants Committee Meeting (Richmond)

August 29|  Tennessee Bar Association Equal Justice Conference (Murfreesboro, TN) – Presentation on ODR and Self-Represented Litigants.

August 23|  Foreign Service Institute (Arlington, VA) – Presentation on careers in mediation (NVMS).

June 28|  Online Dispute Resolution:  Justice Re-Imagined (U.K.) – Panel Chair:  “Smart Contracts – Threat or Opportunity?”

June 27|  Online Dispute Resolution:  Justice Re-Imagined (U.K.) – Panel Chair:  “What Are Smart Contracts.”

June 27|  Online Dispute Resolution:  Justice Re-Imagined (U.K.) – Panelist:  “Standards for ODR.”

June 25|  InternetBar.Org Europe Kickoff (Paris) – Featured Speaker:  “Rohingya PenPal Training.”

June 4|  Self-Represented Litigants Committee Meeting (Richmond)

May 22|  Sao Paulo ICFML Conference – “Technology, Dispute Resolution, and The Future” (delivered via video and web video)

May 15-19|  St. Petersburg International Legal Forum (Russian Federation) – “ODR and the Justice System” (delivered via video)

April 16|  Self-Represented Litigants Committee Meeting (Richmond)

April 7-29|  Diversity and Difference in Conflict Analysis and Resolution – Guest instructor for SCAR graduate class at George Mason University

April 6|  ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Conference (Washington, DC) – Panel Discussion on ABA/ACR/AAA Model Rules for Mediators

February 28|  Interview with JUSTICE Working Group (UK, via SKYPE)

February 26|  Self-Represented Litigants Committee Meeting (Richmond)

January 3-6|  University of the Pacific (Sacramento) – McGeorge Law School ODR class [Cancelled due to illness.]


December 11-12 | (Denver, CO) Meeting of the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) ODR Technical Standards Working Group.

December 8-9 | (Memphis, TN) Basic Mediation Training for the Veterans Administration Social Workers.

November 3-5 and 17-19| (Plano, TX) International Dispute Resolution – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU.

October 23 – December 17| (Online) Online Dispute Resolution – Professor:  Graduate Class for Dominican University.

October 17|  North Carolina Dispute Resolution Commission Webinr (Online) – Online Dispute Resolution presentation.

October 13|  ACR Conference (Dallas) – Award Acceptance:  Mary Parker Follett Award for Innovation in Dispute Resolution

October 12|  ACR Conference (Dallas) – Panel discussion: “The Impact of Technology on ADR Ethics and Practice”

October 11|  ACR Conference (Dallas) – Panel discussion:  “Technology That Improves Delivery of Workplace ADR.”

September 24-26 |  National Association of Railroad Referees (NARR) (Chicago) – Participant on a panel addressing railroad grievance arbitration.

July 17-18 |  Airbnb (Dublin) – Customer Service Training – “Mediation Techniques in Customer Service.”

July 10-13 |  World Justice Forum V (The Hague) – Panelist discussing a digital identity project for refugees.

June 12-13 |  ODR Forum (Paris) – Member, Forum Planning Group, Panel Chair and Panelist for Forum sessions.

May 10| InterAgency Dispute Resolution Working Group (DC) – Workshop – “Scheduling and Surveys for ADR.”

April 27-28| American Law Institute CLE (DC) – Participant on a panel addressing labor and employment practice in the airlines and railroads.

April 20-22| ABA Section of Dispute Resolution (San Francisco) – Participant on a panel addressing technology and mediator ethics.

April 10| Tennessee Bar Association (Nashville) – Participant on a panel at the TBA Dispute Resolution Forum:  “How Online Dispute Resolution Can Improve Access to Justice.”  (via web video)

April 5-7| ABA Labor and Employment Law Section Midwinter Meeting (DC) – Participant on a panel addressing online dispute resolution.

March 30| The Mediation Room Master Class (Online) – Interview with Graham Ross as part of a Master Class in Online Dispute Resolution – recording available.

March 15-18| ABA Tech Show (Chicago) – Participant in a hack-a-thon to support veterans access to justice.

March 8-10| ABA Railroad and Airline Committee Midwinter Meeting (Sonoma, CA) – Participant on a panel addressing dispute resolution in the industries.

March 7| InterAgency Dispute Resolution Working Group (DC) – Workshop – “Teleconferencing and Videoconferencing for ADR.” – Recording available.

February 25| Texas Association of Mediators (San Antonio) – Workshop (with Jeff Aresty) – “Access to Justice in the Digital World.”

February 24| Texas Association of Mediators (San Antonio) – Keynote Speech:  Annual Conference Plenary – “Mediation and Technology:  Evolution, not Revolution.”

February 17-19 and March 3-5| (Plano, TX) Negotiation – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU.

January 30 |  Section 3 Meeting (Hollywood, FL) – Participant on a panel addressing railroad grievance arbitration.

January 19|  (Richmond) – Virginia State Supreme Court Access to Justice Commission, Self-Represented Litigant’s Committee, Committee Meeting [Bi-Monthly throughout 2017].

January 4-8| McGeorge Law School (U of California) (Sacramento) – Online Dispute Resolution course.

January 2017| Publication of The Handbook of Mediation:  Theory, Research, and Practice by Routledge Publishers.


November 1CyberWeekWebinar on ADR, ODR, Technology, Ethics and Practice – with Leah Wing.

October 24 – December 18| Online Dispute Resolution (Dominican – Chicago)Professor:  Graduate Class for Dispute Resolution Masters Program.

October 21-23 & November 11-13| International Dispute Resolution (SMU-TX)Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU Masters Program

September 19-23 |  National Association of Railroad Referees (NARR) (Chicago) – Participant on a panel addressing railroad grievance arbitration.

September 14| Hamline Law School (via Web Vide)Cyber Skills & Dispute Resolution lecture/discussion:  “Technology, Dispute Engagement, and Access to Justice.”

August 30| U. of Arkansas Law School (Little Rock) – “The Impact of Technology on Access to Justice.”

June 26 – July 1| SMU Study Abroad (Geneva) – Aspects of International Dispute Resolution

May 20-22 and June 11-13| SMU ODR Class (Dallas) – Graduate course, Online Dispute Resolution

April 7-9| ABA Section of Dispute Resolution 18th Annual Spring Conference (NYC) – Panel:  “No Longer an Experiment:  The ADR Act Twenty Years Later”

April| Publication of “Building the Justice Layer of the Internet,” ABA Litigation Journal, Summer 2016, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 42-45Jeff Aresty, Robin West, Daniel Rainey.

March 12-13| ABA Tech Show Hack-a-Thon -Domestic Violence  (Chicago) – Hack-a-Thon host (InternetBar.Org)

March 8-10| ABA RLA MidWinter Meeting (St. Petersburg) – Panel Presentation:  State of the NMB

February 9| U Mass Amherst ADR Class (via video) – Guest Lecture on Labor-Management Mediation

February 2-3| Foundry United Methodist Church (DC) – Organizational Development Retreat Facilitator

January 22-24 & February 12-14| Negotiation (SMU-TX)Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU Masters Program


November 14| Georgetown University (DC) – Guest Speaker:  “Managing Organizational Conflict”

November 12|  – Webinar for Lagos Court of Arbitration:  “Online Dispute Resolution for Legal Practitioners.”

November 2-6| Cyberweek (Werner Institute-Online)Planning Committee/Discussion Leader:  Online Dispute Resolution

October 26 – November 23| Online Dispute Resolution Certificate Course for the Moscow Center for Mediation and the Law

October 26 – December 19| Online Dispute Resolution (Dominican – Chicago)Professor:  Graduate Class for Dispute Resolution Masters Program

October 29-30| Administrative Law Conference (ABA-DC)Presentation:  Ombudsmanship

October 23-25 & February 12-14| International Dispute Resolution (SMU-TX)Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU Masters Program

October 16| School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (GMU-Virginia)Guest Speaker:  Mediation Theory and Practice

October 12Cultural Issues in Mediation (Warrenton)Presentation:  Mediation Training Coalition, LLC

October 7-10| Association for Conflict Resolution Conference (Reno) – October 7 Workshop:  “Problem Solving for One (PS1):  Conflict Coaching and ADR Innovations”

October 1| American Legal Institute-Continuing Legal Education [ALI-CLE] (DC)Panelist:  Railway Labor Act Issues

October – NovemberЦентр медиации и права [Center for Mediation and Law, Moscow] (Russia)Webinars on “Practical Technology Tools” for divorce and family mediators.

September 28| The University of Massachusetts Amherst (via web video) – Guest Speaker:  “Online Dispute Resolution and Public Policy”

September 24-25| National Association of Railroad Referees (Chicago)Panelist:  Rail Arbitration Issues

September 20| Hamline University School of Law (via web video) – Guest Speaker:  “Online Dispute Resolution and Arbitration”

September 7| Consumer Disputes:  Will you Suffer or Benefit from the New Law? (London-Theatre Royal, Drury Lane) – Featured Speaker:  “Consumer Disputes and Technology”

September 1| Release of Volume 2, 2015 Issue 1 of the International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution

August 24 – October 11| Creighton University (Omaha) – Online ODR Course.

August 5-6| Federal Dispute Resolution Conference (Phoenix) – Working With Teams at a Distance.

August 4|  Publication of “Leveraging Technology in the Ombudsman Field:  Current Practice and Future Possibilities,” Journal of the International Ombudsman Association (JIOA).

June 19| Irish ODR Conference (Dublin) – Keynote Address:  “The New Frontier:  Online Technology in Conflict Intervention”

June 4|  ODR Forum (New York) – Panel Discussion:  “Convergence Between ADR and ODR:  Do the Ethics Coalesce?”

May 14| Central Virginia Mediation Network Conference – Presentation:  “ODR Tools”

May 4 – June 21| Creighton University (Omaha) – Online ODR Course.

April 24-26 & May 8-10| Online Dispute Resolution (SMU-TX)Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU Masters Program

April 23| Norfolk Southern Railroad (Brosnan Forest, SC) Training Demo:  “Problem Solving for One – PS1”

April 19| George Mason University Guest Lecture:  “Culture, Conflict, and Diversity”

March 22| Georgetown Law CenterGuest Lecture:  “Online Dispute Resolution Technology and ADR System Design”

March 15| Mediators Beyond Borders (Dallas) – Presentation:  “Dangerous Technology – Changing the Way We Do Business.”

February| ABA Dispute Resolution Journal – Article:  “Glimmers on the Horizon:  Ethics and Technology”

February 27-29 and March 13-15| (Spring Term –  Weekends) International Dispute Resolution – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU

February 13| ABA Labor & Employment Law Committee Midwinter Meeting (Rancho Mirage, CA) – Presentation:  “What We Should Know About Ombuds”

February 9-13| UNCITRAL Working Group III (ODR) (NYC) – Delegate representing IBO

January 23|  Texas Law Center (Austin) – CLE Presentation:  “Technology, Mediation, and Ethics”

January 12 – March 1| Creighton University (Omaha) – Online ODR Course.

January 7-12| University of the Pacific, McGeorge Law School (Sacramento) – ODR Course

January| GPSolo Magazine – “Expand Your Practice with ODR Technology”


NovemberABA Dispute Resolution Journal, Fall 2014 – Article:  “If an Eyebrow is Raised on the Internet, Will the Arbitrator See It?”

October 20 – December 14| Dominican University (Forest Park, IL) – Online ODR Course.

October 11| ACR 2014 Annual Conference (Cincinnati) – Panel Presentation:  Creating Success in High Stakes Mediation.

October 10| ACR 2014 Annual Conference (Cincinnati) – Panel Presentation:  Cross-Border Consumer Online Dispute Resolution:  The Next Big Thing.

September| Negotiation – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU

August| ABA Practice Section – Article:  “Technology and Mediation,” with Jeff Aresty ad Robin West

July| International Mediation Institute – Begin work as a member of the IMI Task Force on ODR

Spring Edition| ACResolution – Article:  “Mediator Ethics and the Fourth Party”

June 16 – July 18| (Summer Term Term –  Study Abroad) Conflict Engagement (Geneva, Switzerland) – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU

June 2-3| Canadian Council of Administrative Tribunals (Ottawa, Canada) 2014 Annual Conference – Plenary Speech:  Technology and Online Hearings:  ADR and Mediation.

June| International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution – Article:  “Third Party Ethics in the Age of the Fourth Party”

May 22| Civil Mediation Council 2014 National Conference (Leeds, UK) – Plenary Presentation:  Mediation and Technology.

May 21| Center for Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Studies, The Global Leadership Program, USA – Panel Presentation:  Innovation in Government.

April 29| Skills for Justice:  Dispute Resolution for the Nation (Hosted by the Welsh Government) 2014 (Cardiff, Wales) – Plenary Presentation:  ODR Techniques in the Workplace.

April 8 – June 14| (May Term –  Tuesday Evenings) Online Dispute Resolution – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU

April 7 – June 13| (May Term –  Monday Evenings) Negotiation – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU

April 4| ABA Section of Dispute Resolution (Miami) 2014 Annual Conference – Panel Presentation:  How the Fourth Party Affects Mediation Ethics.

April 3| ABA Section of Dispute Resolution (Miami) 2014 Annual Conference – Panel Presentation:  Building an Online Justice System.

March 12-14|  ABA Labor and Employment Law Section, Railway Labor Act Committee (Coronado, CA) – Plenary Presentation:  Evolutionary Ethics

March 7-9 and March 21-23| (Spring Term –  Weekends) International Dispute Resolution – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU

January 21 – March 28| (Spring Term –  Monday Evenings) Negotiation – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU

January 3-6| Online Dispute Resolution (University of the Pacific – Sacramento) – Professor:  Graduate Class for McGeorge School of Law


January 17-18 | Basic Mediation Practice (Cornell University – Ithaca, NY) – Visiting instructor for a student mediation training program

January-February | Online Dispute Resolution (Creighton-Omaha) – Professor (Online):  Graduate Class for Creighton Masters Program

February | “The Impact of Technology on the Ethics of Mediation” – Ongoing preparation of an article for the ADR Commercial Law Journal (Nepal)

February-May | ODR Ombudsman Assessment (Office of the Ombudsman, United Nations Funds and Programmes) – Needs and Implementation Assessment for UN Ombudsman

February 9 | 2013 ADR Faculty of Northern California Conference (University of California Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco)  – Keynote Address:  “Teaching ADR/ODR Online”

February 26 |  George Mason University (Fairfax, VA) – Guest Speaker:  E-Commerce

February-March | International Dispute Resolution (SMU-TX) – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU Masters Program

March 13-15 | ABA Railway and Airline Labor Law Committee Midwinter Meeting  – Presentation: “Comments from the NMB Chief of Staff”

March 24 | Georgetown Law Center (DC) – Presenter:  Online Dispute Resolution and ADR Systems Design

April | ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Conference (Chicago) – Presenter:  Web-Based Interdisciplinary Dispute Resolution Environment (WIDRE)

April | ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Conference (Chicago) – Presenter:  Building an Online Justice System:  ODR and the Courts

April | ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Conference (Chicago) – Presenter:  How Collaborative Technology Can Improve Your Mediation Practice

April 16 | ADR HUB Webinar – Presenter:  Technology and Mediator Ethics

May | United Nations Funds & Programmes Ombudsman Office (NYC) – Recommendations for an Online Ombudsman Platform for the Funds and Programmes

May 13 | World Summit on the Information Society (Geneva) – Presenter:  ODR Beyond E-Commerce

May 20-24 | UNCITRAL – United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (NYC) – Delegate (IBO and NCTDR) to UNCITRAL Working Group III – ODR

June | The Conflict Environment in Israel and Palestine (SMU-TX) – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU Masters Program

June 15 | New England Association for Conflict Resolution (Sturbridge) – Master Class:  Tech Tools You Can Use Now

July 8-11 | World Justice Forum IV (The Hague) – Invited Delegate

July 22 | Association of Labor Relations Agencies (DC) – Presenter:  Technology That Can Change the Labor Relations Dispute Resolution World

August – October | Online Dispute Resolution (Dominican-Chicago) – Professor (Online):  Graduate Class for Dominican Masters Program

August – October | Online Dispute Resolution (Creighton-Omaha) – Professor (Online):  Graduate Class for Creighton Masters Program

September| Online Dispute Resolution (SMU-TX)Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU Masters Program

October 4 | Fordham University ADR Ethics Symposium (NYC) – Presenter:  ADR Ethics in a Changing World

October 9-11 | Association for Conflict Resolution (Minneapolis) – Presenter:  CyberEthics:  The Impact of Technology on Mediator Ethics

October 9-11 | Association for Conflict Resolution (Minneapolis) – Presenter:  Creating Success in High Stakes Mediation:  Tricks of the Trade for Mediators of High Impact, High Stress Cases of All Types

October 11 | Conferinta “Legea 115/2012” – Rezolvarea Disputelor Online (ODR – Online Dispute Resolution) – “Opportunities for the Future” (Romania) – Featured Speaker:  “ODR in B2B and B2C Contexts”

October-November | Integrating Dispute Resolution Theories (SMU-TX) – Professor:  Graduate Class for SMU Masters Program

October 23 | SMU Dedman IMPACT Symposium (Dallas) – Presenter:  The Nature of Compromise

November 4-8 | Cyberweek (Online) – Guest Speaker:  Web radio interview regarding the International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution

November 18-22 | UNCITRAL – United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (Vienna) – Delegate (IBO and NCTDR) to UNCITRAL Working Group III – ODR